In this post we will go over the installation of Causalinference, as well as how to initialize the main class CausalModel
To install Causalinference, simply type the following into the terminal:
$ pip install causalinference
This assumes that Pip was properly set up, and that the dependencies NumPy and SciPy have been installed. If any of these pose an issue, I recommend consulting this very excellent guide.
The main object of interest in Causalinference is the class CausalModel
, which we can import with
>>> from causalinference import CausalModel
takes as inputs three NumPy arrays: Y
, an \(N\)-vector of observed outcomes; D
, an \(N\)-vector of treatment status indicators; and X
, an \(N\)-by-\(K\) matrix of covariates.
To initialize a CausalModel
instance called, say, causal
, simply run
>>> causal = CausalModel(Y, D, X)
If you don't have any particular data set handy yet, we can get a random one with
>>> from causalinference.utils import random_data >>> Y, D, X = random_data()
In any case, once an instance of the class CausalModel
has been created, it will contain a number of attributes and methods that are relevant for conducting causal analyses. As is the tradition in Python, these can be listed out by invoking dir
on the object:
>>> dir(causal) ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_post_pscore_init', 'blocks', 'cutoff', 'est_propensity', 'est_propensity_s', 'est_via_blocking', 'est_via_matching', 'est_via_ols', 'est_via_weighting', 'estimates', 'old_data', 'propensity', 'raw_data', 'reset', 'strata', 'stratify', 'stratify_s', 'summary_stats', 'trim', 'trim_s']
Detailed documentation for the methods, on the other hand, can be found by
>>> help(causal)
For easy reading, this information is also available on the package's website.
is stateful. This means that as we employ the methods we saw listed above, the instance causal
will mutate, with new data being added or existing data being modified or dropped. To return causal
to its initial state, simply run
>>> causal.reset()